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No computer-maintenance packages are currently available, but please read below for information on keeping your pc virus-free:

Further Reading:  

Some excellent, non-technical articles about keeping your computer safe were published by Reuters and by The New York Times.  They include do-it-yourself  instructions for disinfecting and maintaining your PC.

"Terminating Spyware with Extreme Prejudice” by Rachel Dodes; 12/30/2004; pub. The New York Times

A Checklist for Tuning Up Your PC” by Gene Emery; 12/4/204; Reuters

“Stripping  Spyware from PC Can Be Tricky” by Gene Emery; 2/7/2004;pub. Reuters

This last article, though some of the information is outdated, is also worth reading. (We disagree with some of the details here; but it’s a good overview.)

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We are computer consultants who have been providing software and hardware solutions for homes, offices and non-profits for over 25 years.






Tips and Tricks
Viruses and Spyware

We are Computer Consultants on Manhattan's Upper West Side, offering software and hardware solutions for homes, offices and non-profit organizations

Specialists in data recovery, website design and SEO, Microsoft training, and Dreamweaver tutoring. Other software support available from SamRoitman.com We offer computer help and computer support for small business and personal computer use for clients from the Upper West Side, midtown. lower Manhattan. etc.

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  • Virus removal experts

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