Computer Tips and Tricks (Cont'd.)
How to Print a List of the Files in Any Folder:
- Open the folder in Windows Explorer. Be sure you can see its address. (If the address window does not show, see directions below) Select the full address in the Address Bar and copy it (CTL + C or right click, then click on"COPY".
- Go to Start menu -> Run->.
- Type "cmd" in the Run Window and hit OK.
- The DOS window will open. Type the following:
- Make sure to type a space
after the letters cd, then right-click choose Paste, and press
"Enter". (NB: You cannot use CTRL +V in this instance
to paste. It will not work in DOS.)
(You should then see the prompt string display your folder 's address. (e.g., C:\Program Files>)
- Enter the following command exactly as shown: (You may copy it by selecting it and using CTL + C or right-click and COPY) If you copy it instead of typing it, be sure to use Right Click and PASTE in the DOS window.)
dir /on /b *.* > C:\foldercontents.txt
Close the DOS window.
Go to My Computer, drive C:\ and you should see your new file "foldercontents.txt" which will now contain the list of files in the folder you specified.
Launch Windows Explorer and locate your newly created list of files in C:,open the file and print your list.
*(If the address window does not show:
go to View-> Toolbars->Address Bar.
Unlock the toolbars by right-clicking any clear gray area on any toolbar, and select "Unlock Toolbars". Then drag the Address bar until the Address Window shows.)Return to "How to Print Files"